Demonstration of Evangelism
Each proposal must show an active presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (the
Bible) — with opportunities to receive Christ as their personal savior.
Statement of Faith
A doctrinal statement of faith is required on the first application to the Foundation.
The following doctrine statement must be affirmed by the requesting organization in
order to qualify for financial consideration.
“We believe: In the Holy Trinity, consisting of God the Father, Jesus Christ the son, and the Holy Spirit; In the Virgin birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who was begotten of the Holy Spirit and is true God and true man; In the sinfulness of men and in Salvation through personal faith in Christ; in His bodily resurrection; in His present ministry of intercession; and in His personal return for His church; In the Holy Spirit as a person who proceeds from the Father and the Son, by whom every believer is regenerated, indwelt, empowered and sealed into the body of Christ which he believes; In the Holy Scriptures as inspired by the Holy Spirit of God.”
Personal Contact
It is required that a new organization (one that has not previously
been funded) have a meeting with Mrs. Nancy Hansen, Vice-President of Evangelical
Relations) prior to submitting a Letter of Inquiry form.
Demonstration of Need
Requests for financial
support must show evidence that the project, program, and organization is providing
a unique community need.
Organizations are asked to
present project goals in terms of quantifiable objectives against which the activities
of their grant may be measured.